33 series for Men - Vol1 & Vol3 Groups

Men!  Join us for the 33 Series for Men this fall.  Find the group that's right for you using the group info below.  More info is on our C3 men's ministry page.

Volume 1 Group
? Tuesdays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
? Crestview Community Church
? Text VOL1 to 765-230-3230 to register ($15 book fee).
This volume explores the current state of manhood, God’s mandates, and the four "faces" of manhood to help you navigate life’s seasons.

Volume 3 Group
? Wednesdays, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
? Crestview Community Church
? Text VOL3 to 765-230-3230 to register ($15 book fee).
For those who have completed Volumes 1 and 2, this group continues to deepen your understanding and journey.

Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and connect with other men!