Women's Fall Book Study

Women's Book Study: Ladies, join us for a transformative study of Sheila Walsh's Praying Women: How to Pray When You Don't Know What to Say. Reignite your conversation with God using practical tips directly from the Bible. Together, we'll learn how to pray as joy-filled warriors, not anxious worriers; find the right words to say in prayer; and let go of the past. We'll meet on Monday evenings. The study guide fee is just $10, and registration closes on August 25.

To sign up simply text the keyword:  BOOKSTUDY to 765-230-3230 or use the following link: https://churchteams.com/m/Register.asp?a=cjYyUjB0WFZ6dDA9

Study Dates: We will meet on Monday evenings--9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30 and 10/7