Gospel Conversations

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

If you publicly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, then you are saved (Romans 10: 9). Because we are saved, we are Christ’s ambassadors (II Corinthians 5: 17-20). As Christ’s ambassadors, He calls us to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all nations (Matthew 28: 16-20).

We are committed to fulfill the Great Commission at C3. We are committed to seek and save the lost within our families, within our friend and neighbor group, and within the local, state, and global community. The aforementioned community is considered to be our Oikos group. Oikos is a Greek word meaning household. This is the community of people within our circle of influence. We use the Gospel Conversations Tools to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to our Oikos group and beyond.

When we meet

one saturday a month | Summer and fall

We take these Saturday morning opportunities to share the tool with neighbors in our Lafayette community. We encourage everyone to use the tool to share as opportunities arise with those within your Oikos group.  Please see Sunday messages for the next Gospel Conversation Outing. 

Join the mission

Join us on our next outing

The harvest is great but the workers are few (Matthew 9: 35-38). We pray that C3 ambassadors will take part and share the good news of Jesus Christ. Using the Gospel Conversations Tool enables everyone to have the language to express to others who do not know Him what Christ has done for all of us. 

Gospel Conversation Training

Please complete the videos in this training to equip you to have Gospel Conversations with those in your Oikos Group.