Baby/Child Dedication

We are so proud of you for your interest in presenting your child before the Lord and the C3 congregation through a moment of child-parent-family dedication!  

We are told in 1 Samuel 1 that Hannah presented her son Samuel to the Lord. In Luke 2:22 we read that Mary and Joseph brought their baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to present him before the Lord. In the same way, parents today believe it is good and right to bring their sons and daughters forward in an act of dedication to the Lord, with the congregation serving as participants in, and witnesses of the dedication. Child (Parent and Family) dedication is a special moment of blessing and an opportunity for parents to express their commitment to training and raising their child in the Christian faith with the hope that the child will grow to embrace an authentic faith in Jesus of their own.

Child dedication moments are included in the Sunday morning worship experience and will be arranged for by request. Please fill out the form below if you would like to have a formal child dedication moment before the Lord and your spiritual family at C3.
Why Dedication?
A Child Dedication service is an opportunity for parents to publicly declare their intent to raise their child in a way that honors God and build a family environment where children will grow in their knowledge and experience of the Lord.  In many ways, a “child dedication” service is truly a “parent commissioning” service, as parents publicly declare to raise their child in the faith until the child is old enough to make his own personal confession of Christ. It’s also a time for family, friends, and the church body here at C3 to say we will partner with you, as best we can, to see that this takes place. 

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