
C3 is On the Move

God has given each of you
A gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

I PETER 4:10

Vison for C3 Missions:
Provide the people of Crestview Church opportunities to share the love of Christ by showing the love of Christ through outreach projects and relational evangelism opportunities. 

Our Missionaries

Mark & Patti Bean went to Peru in 1984 as Bible translators in the Andes mountains. In addition to Bible translation, they also encouraged worship music in Quechua, prepared basic discipleship materials for the Quechua church, and developed literacy materials. In 2003 they dedicated two New Testaments: one for Margos-Yarowilca-Lauricocha and the other for Huamalíes Dos de Mayo Quechua speakers. Since then, they have been translating the entire Bible for six related Quechua languages: the two above as well as Huaylas, South Conchucos, North Conchucos and Huacaybamba Quechuas. Pray for these six Bibles to make it safely through the final steps of layout, proofing, and publication. Pray for the local Quechua speaking church to be able to read and use the whole counsel of God.
Curtis and Jennifer Campbell are starting their work with the people of Sabu who have been waiting over 10 years to relaunch Bible translation efforts for their language. Curtis' linguistic and exegetical skills are needed to work with mother tongue translators on understanding the Bible passages and ensuring the Scriptures are translated accurately. With God's help to relaunch the Bible translation project, Curtis and Jennifer have begun learning and documenting the local language, partnering with the local church, and building a team to begin translating the scriptures. They are working with 4 teams to draft the books of Genesis, Ruth, and Jonah, as well as adapting the book of Mark to a local dialect. With the addition of twins, their family has outgrown the motorcycle and are saving funds for a vehicle for Sabu. They look forward to engaging local partners, gathering field data, engaging in language immersion, culture learning experiences, and safely transporting their family on unpaved roads to facilitate Bible translation.
Dutch and Robin Honingh are the founders of Milk & Honey Ministries. Robin has authored a book titled “Walk With Yeshua”. In her book, Robin instructs her readers how to grow closer to Jesus through a method of studying the Bible known as the “inductive” study method. Here book has been translated into two languages other than English and is useful to them as they disciple people through their ongoing ministry work areas in and around Israel. 

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Join the mission

Three ways to get involved today:
Join The C3 Missions Team Committee
Support C3 Missions through Volunteering
 Support C3 Missions through monetary donations

How we reach our city (Jerusalem):
Be The Church Weekend – a weekend we set aside once a year to devote ourselves to serving our city. Teams of people from C3 church team together to accomplish service projects toward the benefit of individuals in our community or in partnership with community organizations that are making a difference in our area.
Partnerships – the C3 missions team seeks to connect groups and individuals with serving opportunities throughout the year.
Below is a list of organizations C3 has been in partnership within service to our community.
• Food Finders • LUM (Lafayette Urban Ministry) • Trinity Life Ministries • • Salvation Army • And more…

How we reach our nation (Judea & Samaria):
Youth Mission Trips *state side – our student ministry seeks to establish mission trips and mission-oriented outings for students during their summer break each year. The goal is to help students build a heart for serving others and sharing the gospel. Mission trip locations and signups are often established in the late fall for the next coming summer.
Adult Mission Trips *state side – our C3 Missions Team helps to connect adults with missions experiences they can participate in in groups or as individuals. The missions team seeks to establish mission trip locations and involvement details each fall in advance of the summer when trips most often take place.

How we reach our world (to the ends of the earth):
Adult Foreign Missions Trips - One of the primary ways we reach our world is through sending teams from our church to work in specific areas of the world and through the support of foreign missionaries. Mission trip locations are established by our C3 Missions Team and teams are formed based on the type of mission trip and project they are setting out to accomplish.
Short-Term Mission Support - Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Criteria: A candidate must be at least 18 years old. They must be preparing for a mission trip that is a minimum of one week in duration, and a maximum of six months. The individual must also have at least one immediate family member who must be a member of Crestview Community Church.

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to: LOcation TBD

Encourage our active missionaries

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