What do you like to do? – C3 iGroups

Do you like to play cards, work out, shoot photography, wood-work, shop, eat out, watch movies, craft, quilt, bike, run, etc.?
You probably aren’t the only one! Do you also desire to connect relationally and spiritually with others? Again, you probably are then only one! Here’s an idea… why not form a C3 iGroup (interest based small group). A weekly iGroup is a great place to combine your interest with building friendships and explore / discuss spiritual things. iGroups are a great place for Christians to invite non-christians or disconnected people. Friendships that are built outside of church can make it much easier to step inside the church. I could go on and one but the real question is… are you ready to explore forming an iGroup? If so, click the following link and I (Pastor Todd) will help you explore your ideas: https://churchteams.com/m/Register.asp?a=SDhkOTJVc2pzc0E9