Hosting a funeral at C3 is one of the benefits of formal membership here at C3. One of the groups that C3 has established a partnership with as a church is the Church Funerals Direct Network. Here is a quick link to their website: they can also be reached by phone 1.800.308.3590

Preferred Partner Program

“Better Funerals, Lower Costs”

We are now enrolled in the Preferred Partner Program at ChurchFunerals Direct Network. The mission of ChurchFunerals Direct is to provide a better overall funeral experience at a greatly reduced cost; often half of what you would pay somewhere else.

We are happy to partner with them in their mission

Because of our participation in their Preferred Partner Program, you can now receive a substantial Preferred Partner discount off their already low prices. Simply call them, day or night, at 1.800.308.3590 when a death occurs in your family and someone will arrive in about an hour.

Plus, if you meet with them now and preplan everything ahead of time, you also receive an additional Preplanning Discount. There is no cost or obligation when you meet with them, and you can get all of your questions answered.

If you’ve already preplanned somewhere else, it’s easy to transfer those arrangements; even if you have already prepaid your funeral (and you’ll likely receive a large refund).

You can call them at 1.800.308.3590 and schedule a time to meet, or simply request a free brochure. They are always open and available.

You may also visit their website at to learn more.


We Are Always Open And Available