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Welcome to the C3 Hunt For Easter!  If you have not already, please use the following link to let C3 event organizers know your interest in our Hunt For Easter Family event: https://churchteams.com/m/Register.asp?a=N1JWS1NXWE1XVG89

Step 1.  Gather your friends and family!  Let them know that they are about to head out on an unforgettable adventure sponsored by Crestview Community Church known as The Hunt For Easter!

Step 2.  Grab a smart phone and download the GooseChase app!  Once you have the app, open it up and search for “The Hunt For Easter.”  Click “Join” in the upper right corner of the screen.  On the lobby page use the “create team” button to create and name your team.

Step 3.  In the GooseChase App read each clue in the order that they appear.  After reading the clue, seek the clue’s evidence location.  Tap the “Submit Evidence” button to share a photo or video of your team fulfilling each Hunt for Easter clue.

Step 4.  All teams are invited to a ultimate destination party!

If you have any questions about The Hunt For Easter please contact Erin Oakley:  eoakley@C3lafayette.org or call / text 765-237-4108

